Tuesday, 27 May 2014

DIY: Material Pleated Flowers

1. Start by measuring a template for the size of flower you would like, for a quick-fix you can use a circular object such as the sellotape roll I used for this example.

2. Draw around the template about 6 times onto your desired material (6 is the amount I would recommend but you can use more or less than this amount in order to get different effects).

3. Cut out each of the circles and keep one to the side for your base.

4. Using a needle and thread, knotted at the end, go through the centre of the base circle.

5. Pick up one of the other circles and fold this in half.

6. Fold this circle again into just under a quarter.

7. Then, whilst holding the folded circle in place, thread the needle through the bottom, original centre, and take the needle through both the folded circle and the base one or two times ensuring it is securely attached.

8. Repeat stages 5-7 for the remaining circle until all the 'petals' are attached. Once complete your finished flower should look similar to the three featured below!

Thanks for reading my D.I.Y. on material pleated flowers, I hope it was of use to you. If you need any ideas on where to use these types of flowers, I have used them myself on a dress I recently designed and I am also using these particular flowers featured as party decorations.

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