This is the method I've found most effective however there are many different DIY's on the internet for this, including various YouTube videos, so be sure to research more than one method before you try it for yourself.
You will need:
- 100% cotton coloured shirt (I used a black 'GEEK' t-shirt from
Topshop and have found this to be the most effective colour).

- A few cups of standard household bleach
- A bucket
- 1 pair of rubber gloves
- Elastic bands
1. The area you are working in must be well ventilated, it may be an idea to take your equipment outside for this.
2. Dilute approx. 4 cups of bleach with 1 cup of water in the bucket.

3. Fold your shirt into thin pleats and then over on itself and hold with an elastic band. You can experiment with the position of elastic bands and using more than one to create different desired effects.
4. Wearing the rubber gloves allow the tied shirt to be submerged in the bleach for just a few seconds.
5. Watch carefully and as the shirt changes colour immediately remove it from the bucket (a black shirt will turn 'rusty brown').
6. Now quickly rinse the shirt in water, unbind the elastic band(s) and hang the shirt to dry.
7. The colour will turn into a lighter, more appealing shade. After the shirt is dry, wash it in the washing machine.
8. Your bleach tie-dye shirt should now be ready-to-wear! Note: this method can also be used on other items of clothing, just check that they're 100% cotton.
What do you think of bleach tie-dye?